Here are some pro-tips from us to help you keep your garments in the best condition and to make things easier for you and us.
Do not apply any sort of heat to blood stains and that includes hot water, steam, hot dryer, etc... It will set the stain in forever.
Do not let stains sit on your garments for extended periods of time. A week is not so bad, but bring it to us sooner rather than later for best chances of getting the stains out.
Please bring wine stains to use without treating them. When they are pre-treated with anything, from Tide Pens to club soda, it makes it harder for us to get the stain fully out. If it is an emergency and you need to treat the wine stain (at a wedding or some event), please just use some club soda to try and blot it out a little bit.
Do not use any sort of stain removers on clothes that you cannot wash. The stain removers are usually made of water-soluble detergents and are meant to be washed. Applying them to "dry clean only" garments will create a stain in and of itself.
Dry clean your garments before you put them away for seasonal storage. This will keep the moths from being attracted to and eating your precious garments. Also, any stains that are on there will be treated before being put away for storage. We get a lot of garments that have not been cleaned for an entire season and they are usually full of stains that will not come out because they have been on there for 6 months. They also usually have moth holes, larva, and casings as well.
Please unbutton all your shirts and blouses before you bring them in. This just helps us out tremendously, thanks in advance. :) We typically unbutton around 2000 buttons per week.
When you drop off clothes, please point out any stains, damage, or anything that you would like us to pay extra attention to.
Do not be embarrassed to tell us to treat smelly under arms or any other "embarrassing" stains. If we know about it, we can do our best to treat it. We’ve all probably had too much to drink at one point or another and puked on ourselves before. It happens, so let us know and we can try to clean it. "Lady" stains also happen and if we know about it, we can treat it. Trust us, we've seen everything and there is nothing to be embarrassed about.
Men, your shirts are normally not dry cleaned, they are laundered and then pressed on a machine. That is why they are $2.25 as opposed to $6.45. If you specifically request it, they will be dry cleaned.
Ladies, your tops cost more to process than men's shirts because they require a lot more work. It's not just ladies' tops that costs more, but literally everything other than men's shirts cost more, that includes other men's clothes. We do have many men who pay the same $6.45 for their shirts as well to receive the same treatment. We unfortunately cannot process ladies tops the same way as men's shirts and charge you less because the machines are specialized to process just men's shirts. Please click the link "How Dry Cleaning Works" on the left side to see how the two processes differ.